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Super Mario Maker 2 levels

If you have Super Mario Maker 2 for the Switch, you can go to the Course World and search for my Maker ID to find all of these levels and my Super World. This is just a list of the levels with maps and hints.

My Maker ID is G0H-XVC-PXG.

Or rather, it is the ID of Frallan from Princess Remedy - upon release some of the levels were framed as if she designed them, so they have easter eggs related to her and Remedy.

If you like secret-hunting, you'll notice that some of the levels have a little sprite from Hero Core next to them. This means that that sprite is hiding somewhere in the level. Can you find them all?

Look below for hints, solutions, and complete maps.

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01: Super Ordinary Bros

Jump on a Bullet Bill to reach the pipe in the sky. Go down the pipe to the bonus room where a key is hiding in an invisible block. Bounce over the flagpole with another Bullet Bill to reach the locked door.

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02: Kid Icarus - Underworld Fortress

There's an extra key in this level, hidden in the top-right note block in the ice room. You need a good running jump to reach it. Use this key to reach the bonus room by the flagpole, or just to skip the boss fight.

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03: The Secret of Green Lake

A near-exact replica of Green Lake from Strawberry Jam. I regret placing so many enemies in this level, making it frustrating more than anything. Ground-pound the Chain Chomp's pole and steal its cloud to easily reach all secrets in the sky. Finding a Super Star first will help.

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04: Hairwalker

An awful level based on Hairwalker from Scrap Pack 1. Just dodge the enemies until the exit opens. Unintuitively, there's an invisible key hiding inside the mouth of the big face. The key leads to a "F heart R" secret room, as in Frallan and Princess Remedy.

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05: Super Ordinary Bros 2

Look for pipes without piranha plants in them to find a lot of bonus rooms. A key is hidden near the first Buzzy Beetle you encounter. Kick the Beetle to destroy a brick, then slide under it and hit the brick above it.

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06: Relaxing coin search

Look for the 8 hidden coins in suspicious-looking places. There are no secrets here.

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07: Picture coin search

Enter the pipe to see pictures showing the location of the 6 hidden coins, then match the exact locations in the main room. This includes matching the background elements as well.

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08: Super Ordinary Bros 3

The first ? block has a Super Leaf if you hit it after getting a Super Mushroom from later in the level. Throw a Koopa shell into the pit with four Munchers to reveal a vine, leading to a bonus room with an ON/OFF block. Use it to unlock a pipe later in the level holding a secret key.

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09: Super Ordinary World (ver.2)

All of the green pipes in this level can be entered, which is where the secrets and shortcuts are hiding. To reach the top-right door near the end of the level, jump off of Yoshi in mid-air.

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10: Super Ordinary Bros: Castle

This secret is mean, with no in-game hints besides the suspicious hole in the ceiling. Defeat Bowser with a Fire Flower to get a key, then backtrack a little bit and find an invisible block to climb on top of the level. From there you can reach the bonus rooms.

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11: Super Ordinary Bros 3: Castle

In the big open room after the first checkpoint, wait until the lava lowers to find a passage to a pipe in the very lower-right corner. After hitting the ON/OFF block, backtrack to the big room and this time go to the very top-left corner where a powerful secret is hiding.

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12: Picture coin search 2

Enter the pipe to see pictures showing the location of the 6 hidden coins, then match the exact locations in the main room. This includes matching the background elements as well.

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13: Shoes your destiny

An awkward and difficult level. Choose one of three shoes to access various paths to the red coins. You can beat the level even if you lose your shoe, but it's a lot harder!

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14: Super Ordinary World: Castle

There's a Dry Bones walking along a bed of spikes. Jump on it to reach the vine above, then ride the donut lift down until you see a red pipe in the left wall. Hold left to enter this pipe while standing on the donut lift, and you'll be able to get the "good end" and save Yoshi!

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15: Relaxing coin search 2

Look for the 10 hidden coins in suspicious-looking places. There are no secrets here.

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16: Downtown

A near-exact replica of Downtown from Slap City's story mode. The secrets in this level are mostly hiding in the same places as well, with one exception - the final one requires you to fly really high with a Super leaf.

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17:Picture coin search 3

Enter the pipe to see pictures showing the location of the 6 hidden coins, then match the exact locations in the main room. This includes matching the background elements as well.

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18: Hotel Lockenkee

A near-exact replica of Hotel Lockenkee from Slap City's story mode, but with some additions. The hardest red coin to find is probably the one on top of the clocktower. Once you have them all, the secret locked door is located in the final section with the goal gate.

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19: Relaxing coin search 3

Look for the 8 hidden coins in suspicious-looking places. There are no secrets here. Kind of an annoying level because of the darkness.

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20: Frostrealm of the Warlock Tyrant

I think this is one of my best levels, and also among the hardest. Find two separate secrets to reach a room with a combination lock, which requires you to remember how many of each enemy type you saw in the first section.

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21: Spiny Golf

A level that relies entirely on the weird ways you can slide off slopes in mid-air. SMM2 never tells you this, but you can hold diagonally down in the direction you are sliding to go way farther. If the ON/OFF block is ON at the start, that means that hint arrows will be on.

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22: Bullet Bill Blizzard

It's hard to place Super Stars in SMM2, because they make you go so fast that you can skip the whole level. There is one near the start of this level, but it's rather likely to make you skip the secrets instead.

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23: Deserted Ruins of B'oi-ngh

I regret placing so many boos in the underwater part of this stage, which is more or less a copy of the first castle from SMB1. See how many 1UPs you can get by bouncing on Goombas at the end.

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24: Death Maze

A near-exact replica of Death Maze from Slap City's story mode, or at least the first quarter of it. It requires some precise jumps in tight spaces.

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25: Single-screen quest for the Orb

A one-screen level. I regret making the jump towards the Buzzy Beetle helmet so hard. A key is hidden in the brick to the left of the green door near the very end - use a Koopa shell to hit it.

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26: Undertunnel

All the green pipes in this level can be entered. Find a Cape feather, then look for a large picture of a feather drawn in the background. Fly to the right there to find Yoshi, whose tongue will let you get the key near the end of the level, allowing access to the bonus room.

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27: Daydream Donuts

Hit the ON/OFF block after the checkpoint, then use a Koopa shell to break the brick blocks afterwards. A key is hidden a short jump away. The game only loads 100 of a certain kind of object, which is why stomping the Goomba in the bonus room makes a trampoline appear.

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28: Midnight Mushrooms

There's a hidden key in the area with the poison mushrooms. Use a huge running jump from the top of the block pillar afterwards to reach the pipe in the sky.

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29: Spikeball Parlor

In the second room, hit all four POW blocks to get a total of two keys. Use them both and complete a third spikeball room to reach a bonus area. Grab a trampoline here and use it to reach a red pipe in the ceiling earlier in the level, where another "F heart R" room awaits.

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30: Link in the Goomba's Puzzle Trap

Very hard. Push the Sword powerup around and use it together with a bomb to weigh down the see-saw. Use your sword on the trampoline to allow the big spikeball through. The red pipe holds a series of bonus rooms.

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31: Ethereal Travel

Named after the loading message in Hexen for DOS. The biggest secret is the pipe in the last airship, which can be reached by bouncing on the Fish Bone far below.

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32: Expert Bros.

This one's tricky - even the powerups are hard to get. If you can reach the end with a Fire Flower and melt the icy coin blocks, you'll be rewarded with a bonus room.

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33: Toadstool Trail

Much easier than the last few levels, thankfully. Swim below certain walls to reach the pipes leading to the bonus rooms. Use a Koopa shell in the first bonus room to hit the question block, revealing a key.

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34: Tubular Sands

Amazingly, this level has no sub-areas or notable secrets. Just enjoy it like normal, I guess.

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35: Ice Boots

To reach the first red coin, perform a running jump from the right to bump the Koopa from below, then wait for it to emerge from its shell. Use the Koopa to bounce up to the coin. The second coin is reached by simply jumping from the pipe that borders the large chasm to the right.

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36: Great Pyramid of Umas

Named after an area in Legend of Grimrock 2. Climb the hidden vine above the pyramid of brick blocks for a P-switch that lets you skip over the Hammer Bros. In the boss room, ride the Boo up to the ON/OFF switch which releases a Super leaf, then smack the Dry Bones with it.

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37: Clownway to the Danger Zone

There's a key sitting out in the open after the checkpoint, but you'll be chased by Phanto for the rest of the level if you grab it. Use it to reach the bonus room at the end.